The 2025 FINISH line for all distances is located in North Logan, the same as in 2019-2023. The Start/Finish will be located inside the Green Canyon High School north parking lot. The finish line includes at least three (4) food vendors and all the post ride services like a bike valet, music, vendor booths with gifts and drawings, finisher’s medal, award ceremonies, and a chance to relax with your family and friends.
The Finish, Lunch and the Expo
After completing your desired distance, all participants are invited to participate in the Cache Gran Fondo's Gran Feed. With your finisher medal, you will receive a meal voucher from your choice of 4-5 different restaurants from the Cache Valley area. These are many of the same vendors from years-past like Cafe Sabor, Great Harvest and grilled burgers too. We will also be drawing rider prizes as in the past, and it worked so well last year - we will draw all the prizes and have them ready for your pick-up (if you won), at the finshline at Green Canyon High School on Saturday.
Photos: Start line, on-course, and finish line/podium
Each year we hire a professional photographer who works very hard to capture our riders at the start line, on the course and at the finish line. ALL PHOTOS are FREE-of-charge to our riders, and as you can see from the photo gallery link below, there are hundreds of great images for you to download, share and keep as a reminder of your time at the Cache Gran Fondo.
Photos by Gary Bird Photography. Gary can also professionally print them for a small fee.